Ein Abend in Berlin
Ein Abend in Berlin (An Evening in Berlin) is a satirical work by the painter George Grosz, showing us a scene from the life of Berlin's bourgeoisie. The scene takes place in the living room of a house, where we see a pair of couples interacting. On one side, a couple dance to the rhythm of a radio, expressing apparent frivolity. On the other side, a man and a woman watch from their sofa, their attention full of innuendo: the man shows an expression of desire, while the woman, in a light dress, reveals a suggestive back, dominated by the male hand resting on her. Grosz caricatures them both, particularly the man, with a cigar between his lips, symbolising his frustrations and sexual inhibitions. His stocky body accentuates his ridiculousness.
The decor of the room is rich and contrasting: although the furniture and the characters' outfits are fairly conventional, the walls are adorned with avant-garde works and exotic objects, such as an African mask. This juxtaposition unsettles the viewer and creates an atmosphere of unease, reinforced by the composition's sloping angles. Grosz goes beyond simple caricature to denounce the hypocrisy and artifice of the Berlin high society of his time, transforming the scene into a timeless social critique.
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