UNA FLOR DE FUTURO de José Fernández Ríos. C/Ntra. Sra. de Los Remedios.

UNA FLOR DEL FUTURO (Sandra Cabañas Del Río y Noelia Dorado Arias – B1)
Its name is Flower of the Future, this mural can be found on Nuestra Señora de los Remedios Street in Barriada los Remedios. This mural is by Jose Fernandez Ríos and it was inaugurated in November 2013.The reason why we have chosen this mural is because it represents some of the most important things in Estepona such as the sea and the light.
This picture was painted in the fifteenth place. The mural “ Flower of the Future” is a beautiful image where we can see first, in the middle of the picture a big flower with bright colors that occupies the entire wall with a long stem, fine leaves and flowers like pearls. In the background we can see clouds in a dark sky, finally the sea appears at the bottom of the image where the clouds are reflected.
We would like to say that it seems that the author wants to show the changes of the city over the years.