NUTRIR de Samantha Jordaan
NOURISH de Samantha Jordaan. C/ Terraza – Conjunto Andalucía, 3. Nourish (Desirée Sánchez- 4º B) The artist of the mural is a South African called Samantha Jordaan. She loves being …
NOURISH de Samantha Jordaan. C/ Terraza – Conjunto Andalucía, 3. Nourish (Desirée Sánchez- 4º B) The artist of the mural is a South African called Samantha Jordaan. She loves being …
ATLANTAS de José Fernández Ríos. Avda. Andalucía, 115 ATLANTAS (RAQUEL PASTOR MENA-2ºC) This mural represents a Caryatid, which is a feminine figure from classical Greece sculpted in the form of …
ÁNGEL, EL BUCEADOR de Eric Aman. C/Gravina (Bda. Tres Banderas). ANGEL, THE DIVER (Mª DOLORES CONTRERAS- 3ºB) The mural was painted in 2014 by the French artist Eric Aman, who …
4M de Miguel González. C/Cristo del Amor (Edif. Los Claveles). 4M (MACARENA CASTILLA- 3ºB) This mural was inaugurated on the 12th June 2015. Its name is “4M”and was inspired by …
38 – SIN MEMORIA NO HAY HISTORIA de Joaquín Aguilera. C/Dos de Mayo (Bda. Solís). SIN MEMORIA NO HAY HISTORIA (PALMA SÁNCHEZ RUIZ- 2ºC) This mural is a painting of …
ALMAS DEL MAR de Blanca Larrauri. Prolongación Avda. San Lorenzo. ALMAS DEL MAR (SOULS OF THE SEA) (TERESA JIMÉNEZ MILÁN- 2ºC) This mural represents a fisherman’s workday, but every time …