DÍA DE PESCA de José Fernández Ríos. C/Terraza (Barriada Isabel Simón).

The Fisherman (Ana Belén Aguilera Garrido- 5º Semipresencial)
For several years, Estepona has become a great popular museum, a place which different artists have chosen for their art work. One of them is “The Fisherman”, which is my favourite mural. Moreover, “The Fisherman” is the most successful mural of all among the citizens of Estepona and tourists who love popular art.
One of its many details is that it is made up of five buildings, which are in different lines of several streets. Therefore, to observe this mural, it is necessary to place yourself at a strategic point.
“The Fisherman” is my favourite mural since it represents a very important activity that has been carried out, is being carried out and will be carried out in this wonderful town: fishing.
From my point of view, “The Fisherman” represents fishing from various perspectives:
- Fishing as an economic activity.
- Fishing as a very hard work.
- Fishing as a hobby.
Fishing as the relationship between man and marine habitat.

Estepona is a famous town in the heart of the Sun Coast. The town has more than 50 murals. Our favourite one is The Fisherman. It is probably the best mural. It is done on the wall of six buildings, 1000 square metres. It is the biggest mural in Spain. Before they painted the walls, they were old and ugly. Now you can see the change. It was made as a tribute to the fishermen of Estepona. The picture is about a fisherman; his name is Manuel Aragón. He is 83 years old and he was always a fisherman.
Without a doubt, our favourite mural in Estepona is Fishing Day. It is on Isabel Simon Street. To see the mural you have to look at it from the distance. This mural occupies six blocks of flats and It has 1000 square meters. It is done with exterior acrylic paints and varnish. It is the largest vertical mural in Spain. We can see a fisherman trying to catch a fish with his rod. He looks like very happy because she caught a sardine.
The sea has a lot of waves and the sky is cloudy. We think that the mural represents Estepona because it was a fishing village many years ago. It is really amazing.
The mural chosen is “Día de Pesca”, which is located in Estepona in the neighbourhood “Isabel Simón” across six buildings. The size of this artwork is over a thousand meters and it’s the biggest mural in Spain.
This mural represents the local fishermen, the sea and the good weather of this place.
I chose it because unlike the other murals in the city, this one is composed of six different parts painted across different buildings, and you have to play with the perspective to have a full view of the artwork.
This work pays tribute to the local fishermen and as the mural is a realistic painting, he wanted to include a real person. He painted a fisherman named Manuel Aragón

This mural is one of the “route of artistic murals” in Estepona, which was created with the aim of beautifying and revitalizing its neighbourhoods.
In my opinion, I think that it can be interesting as a tourist attraction, but I disagree with that idea, as I think that Estepona is a typical Andalusian city which belongs to the “White villages architecture” and this kind of art interferes with this concept.
´Fishing day´ encompasses five quite large blocks, which are perfectly aligned and approximately thirty meters high. The mural shows a typical local fisherman who has caught a large fish set in front of an immense seascape background.
The mural captures the history of the old fishing town of Estepona where fishing was and still is one of the main industries and source of employment and income for the local people. Accordingly, it represents the origin, history and heritage of the town and brings back countless memories for the local residents. Additionally, it sparks the interest of people who come to visit the city and they relate their experience of their unforgettable visit to others. As a further benefit it brings back life to these older residential buildings and the surrounding neighbourhood.
The fisherman is shown at full height on the first lower block wearing traditional clothes and holding a straining fishing rod in hand, implying that he has just caught a large fish which is shown jumping out of the sea. The fish is enormous and with a hook in its mouth is the full height of the top final block. The middle blocks have the fisherman’s line on them leading to the hook in the fish´s mouth. Additionally, these middle blocks portray the deep blue sea with crashing waves, below the clear blue sky decorated with pure white fluffy cumulus clouds. At first glance, your eye is pulled to the fisherman and the huge fish jumping out of the sea. However, when you start to look in more detail you can see how cleverly the artist has linked all five blocks by extending the seascape from one block to another with the fishing line connecting them all. Standing and looking at the mural, the artist has combined the five separate buildings into one canvas.
The painting wall is very well conceived and lifelike, as though someone had taken a photograph and then pasted it onto the walls of the building at a larger scale. The way in which the artist has been able to link the mural over five buildings is very impressive and moreover realistic. The way the fish is leaping out of the sea is very powerful and gives the mural action and life. The bright colourful sea and sky combine to create a wonderful background making you feel that you were on the shoreline watching a live action shot of the fisherman and his prize capture.
This mural is an impressive, oustanding, powerful, colourful and life like representation of a man having an excellent day while fishing. In our minds this art work portrays the concentrated attitude of the fisherman when he catches the stunning fish with his fishing rod (a long tapered flexible pole, usually in sections, for using with a fishing line and frequently a reel )
The colours used in this mural look bright and warm, although some are called cold colours. There is also light and deep dark colours involved in this composition.
We can say that, as a whole, the mural is painted in the dominating colours of the sea blues, greens and whites.
The spaces of the mural are symmetrically divided. In the foreground there is a fishing rod with a fish caught and in the background we see the sea and waves . In the far distance, we can see the fisherman wearing all the suitable clothes to fish. On the left, the stunning fish stands, and on the right, we can see the fishing rod. It looks like the artist managed to capture the mood of that remarkable moment. It looks like the fisherman was concentrating very hard while fishing.
To sum up, this is a magnificent piece of art, and like many of the other murals in the town it really takes your breath away. For us, it is so realistic, colourful and lifelike when you look up at it you could be looking out of your window down at the beach seeing a local fisherman catching his evening meal. This masterpiece is simply amazing.